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POLYRACK continues to move forward on its growth path: With the expansion of the plant in Ettlingen near Karlsruhe (Germany), POLYRACK is responding to the constant demand and the additional production capacities required as a result. Already last year, the production area in Ettlingen was expanded by 1,200 m² and the capacity expansion of the production facilities in the area of welding and bending technology was started. In a second step, investments were made in the area of grinding technology and equipped with the most modern and automated production technologies. This not only ensures an increase in production capacity, but also a further increase in the quality of our products.POLYRACK customers can thus continue to be offered the best service, coupled with on-time delivery.


Expansion of POLYRACK plant in Ettlingen completed

POLYRACK continues its growth: with the expansion of its plant in Ettlingen near Karlsruhe (Germany) POLYRACK responds to the constant demand and the resulting additionally required production capacities. Last year, the production area in Ettlingen was already expanded by 1200 m² and the start for the capacity expansion of the production equipment in welding and bending technologies was initiated. In a second step, POLYRACK took an additional invest in the grinding / deburring process and equipped it with state-of-the-art automated production technologies. All of this will not only safeguard a higher production capacity, but also guarantees a further improvement in product quality. POLYRACK guarantees its customers the known top service and on-time delivery.


L'extension de l'usine POLYRACK à Ettlingen est finalisée

POLYRACK continues its growth: With the expansion of the Ettlingen plant near Karlsruhe (Germany), POLYRACK is responding to constant demand and the additional production capacities that are required. Last year, the production area in Ettlingen was expanded by 1,200 m² and the expansion of the capacities of the production facilities in the field of soudage and pliage techniques was launched. In a second phase, investments were made in the field of rectification technology and equipped with the most modern and automated production technologies. This guarantees not only an increase in production capacity, but also a further improvement in the quality of our products. POLYRACK's clients can therefore continue to benefit from the best service, combined with prompt delivery.

1 Feb
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group

Enclosures specialist POLYRACK expands its headquarters in Ettlingen near Karlsruhe, Germany

Expansion of production area and manufacturing facilities‍

Straubenhardt, February 1, 2021 - With the expansion of its plant in Ettlingen near Karlsruhe, Germany, POLYRACK TECH-GROUP is continuing its growth trajectory and responding to the constant demand for individual enclosure and system solutions, which requires additional production capacity.

Already last year, the production area in Ettlingen was expanded by around 1,200m² and now comprises approx. 9,000m² at this location. In addition, the capacity expansion of the production facilities in the area of welding and bending technology was started. In a second step, POLYRACK invested in the grinding technology area and equipped it with state-of-the-art automated production technologies. In this way, the housing and systems specialist not only ensures higher production capacity, but also guarantees a further increase in product quality.

"The aim of the expansion was to create more space for production facilities and processes and to bring the machinery in the mechanical production area up to the latest state of the art," explains Andreas Rapp, CEO of POLYRACK TECH-GROUP. "Thanks to the optimization of production routes, the consolidation of mechanical production and other fully automated production systems, we can meet the ever-increasing demands on component quality."

The machinery in the mechanics area here includes, among other things, a new analog as well as high-speed spot welding machine, a new flat as well as 3D grinding and satin finishing machine, stud welding machines, laser welding robots as well as equipment for laser welding, TIG, MIG and MAG welding.

POLYRACK continues to offer its customers the best service and on-time delivery for individual enclosure solutions, which are used in various branches of industry, such as safety technology, measurement and control technology, railroad technology, aerospace, medical technology and other areas.


Enclosure Expert POLYRACK expands their plant in Ettlingen near Karlsruhe

Expansion of production area and manufacturing equipment‍

Straubenhardt, February 1st 2021 - The POLYRACK TECH-GROUP continues its growth and responds to the constant demand for individual enclosures and system solutions, with the expansion of its plant in Ettlingen near Karlsruhe (Germany), which responds to the requirements for additional production capacities.

Last year, the production area in Ettlingen was already expanded by around 1200m² and now captures a total area of approx. 9000m² at this location. Furthermore, the start for the capacity expansion of the production equipment in welding and bending technologies was intitiated. In a second step, POLYRACK took an additional invest in the grinding/deburring process and equipped it with state-of-the-art automated production technologies. All of this will not only safeguard a higher production capacity for the enclosure and systems expert, but also guarantees a further improvement in product quality.  

"The aim of the expansion was to create more space for production equipment and processes and to upgrade the mechanical operation to the next technical level," explains Andreas Rapp, CEO of POLYRACK TECH-GROUP. "We are in the position to realize the constantly rising demands on the quality of the components. Thanks to the optimization of production processes, through the centralization of the mechanical production, as well as continued progress in fully automatic production equipment."

The machinery in the mechanics area, among other machines, includes a new analogue as well as high-speed spot welding system, a new plain as well as 3D grinding and satin finishing system, stud welding equipment, laser welding robots as well as machines for laser welding, TIG-, MIG- and MAG-welding.

POLYRACK guarantees its customers the known top service and on-time delivery for individual enclosure solutions, dedicated for the use in various areas of the industry, such as safety technology, measurement and control technology, railway technology, aerospace, medical technology and others.


Le spécialiste des boîtiers POLYRACK agrandit son siège à Ettlingen près de Karlsruhe

Extension de la surface de production et des installations de fabrication‍

Straubenhardt, 1er février 2021 - Avec l'extension de son usine d'Ettlingen près de Karlsruhe, en Allemagne, POLYRACK TECH-GROUP poursuit sa croissance et répond à la demande constante de boîtiers et de systèmes personnalisés, qui nécessite des capacités de production supplémentaires.

Last year, the production area in Ettlingen was expanded by about 1,200m² and now comprises about 9,000m² on this site. En outre, l'extension des capacités des installations de production dans le domaine de la technologie de soudage et de pliage a commencé. Dans un deuxième temps, POLYRACK a investi dans le domaine de la technologie de rectification et l'équipé de technologies de production automatisées ultramodernes. Ainsi, le spécialiste des boîtiers et des systèmes assure non seulement une capacité de production plus élevée, mais garantit également une nouvelle augmentation de la qualité des produits.

"The aim of the extension was to create more space for the production installations and processes and to put the machine park at the forefront of technology in the field of mechanical manufacturing," explains Andreas Rapp, CEO of POLYRACK TECH-GROUP. "Thanks to an optimization of the production lines, the regrouping of the mechanical production and other fully automated production facilities, we can meet the ever-increasing demands in terms of component quality."

Le parc de machines dans le domaine de la mécanique comprend entre autres une nouvelle installation de soudage par points analogique et à grande vitesse, une nouvelle installation de meulage et de satinage à plat et en 3D, des machines de soudage de goujons, des robots de soudage au laser ainsi que des installations de soudage au laser, TIG, MIG et MAG.

POLYRACK continues to offer its customers the best service and a capacity of delivery within the deadlines for solutions of individual boxes that find their application in different industrial sectors, such as the technique of safety, the technique of measurement, command and regulation, the technique ferroviaire, l'aéronautique et l'aérospatiale, the technique médicale and other domains.


1 Feb
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group


This year, the turn of the year is dominated by the Covid 19 pandemic. Nevertheless, we are looking ahead with confidence. We are focusing our attention on the time "afterwards" and are constantly working with our employees on further development and trying to see the opportunities that have arisen as a result of this exceptional situation. We want to use the insights and changes to develop further and continue to be the reliable and strong partner we have been for the past 40 years.For POLYRACK, it is of central importance that patient care is ensured and the healthcare system is maintained in these extraordinary times. POLYRACK is proud to be a supplier in the medical market to do its part in saving lives during these special times. We all owe a special debt of gratitude to medical professionals and people in life-saving professions for their dedication.For more information on our medical technology products and projects, and to view our "Medical Technology" brochure, click here .


Starting the New Year with confidence and optimism!

This year's turn of the year was dominated by the corona pandemic. Nevertheless, we are looking forward with confidence and optimism. We are focusing on the time "afterwards", are constantly working on further development with our employees, and are trying to see the opportunities that have arisen as a result of this exceptional situation. We want to use the knowledge and changes to develop further and continue to be the reliable and strong partner we have been to our customers and partners for the last 40 years.For POLYRACK, it is essential that patient care is ensured and the healthcare system is maintained during these extraordinary times. POLYRACK is proud to be a supplier in this market to fulfill its contribution to saving lives during this special time. We all owe a special debt of gratitude to medical staff and people in life-serving professions for their dedication.For further information about our products and projects in the area of medical technology, as well as our latest brochure "Medical Technology", click here.


Commencer la nouvelle année avec confiance!

Cette fin d'année était dominé par la pandémie corona. Néanmoins, nous envisageons l'avenir avec confiance. We focus our attention on the time "after" and we work constantly with our employees on the future development and try to see the opportunities that have arisen as a result of this exceptional situation. We aim to use the new knowledge and changes to develop ourselves further and continue to be the reliable and strong partner we have been over the past 40 years.For POLYRACK, it is essential that during these extraordinary times, patient care is guaranteed and the health care system is maintained. POLYRACK is eager to be a supplier of the medical market and to play its role in saving lives at this particular time. Nous avons tous une dette de gratitude particulière envers les professionnels de la médecine et les personnes exerçant des professions vitales pour leur engagement.Vous trouverez ici de plus amples informations sur nos produits et projets dans le domaine de la technologie médicale ainsi que notre brochure "Technologie médicale".

8 Jan
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Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group


We would like to thank all our customers and business partners for your trust, support and good cooperation in 2020. Even though this year's Christmas season will be different from what we have been used to, we wish you and your families a peaceful and relaxing holiday season and wish you the best and especially health for 2021.

Our company will be closed from 23.12.2020 to 06.01.2021 inclusive. We are looking forward to further cooperation in 2021.



Thank you to all of our customers and partners for your confidence, support and cooperation in 2020. Even though this Christmas season will be different than before we wish you and your families a peaceful and relaxing holiday season and are sending you the best wishes for 2021.

Our company will be closed from December 23rd, 2020 up to and including January 06th, 2021. We are looking forward to all further cooperation in 2021.



Nous tenons à remercier tous nos clients et partenaires commerciaux pour leur confiance, leur soutien et leur bonne coopération en 2020. Even though this year's Christmas period will be different from the one we are used to, we wish you and your families a wonderful Christmas and send you our best wishes for good health in 2021.

Notre société sera fermée du 23.12.2020 au 06.01.2021 inclus.Nous nous réjouissons de vous revoir et vous entendre pour la suite de notre coopération en 2021.

17 Dec
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group


With POLYRACK Aerospace GmbH , POLYRACK TECH-GROUP has founded a new, independent subsidiary at its headquarters in Straubenhardt (Germany).

In the future, this is to serve the supplier market of the aviation industry with customer-specific products.

Read the full press release on the foundation here: Press release



With the foundation of POLYRACK Aerospace GmbH the POLYRACK TECH-GROUP has a new, independent subsidiary at its headquarters in Straubenhardt, Germany.

This subsidiary will serve the aerospace industry supplier market with customer-specific products in the future.

You can read the complete press release here: Press Release



Avec POLYRACK Aerospace GmbH, le POLYRACK TECH-GROUP a fondé une nouvelle filiale indépendante sur son site principal de Straubenhardt (Allemagne).

À l'avenir, cette entreprise servira le marché des fournisseurs de l'industrie aéronautique avec des produits spécifiques aux clients.

Vous pouvez lire le communiqué de presse complet sur la fondation ici : Communiqué de presse

3 Dec
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Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group


A new phase of life has begun for them. We are talking about the seven trainees who were welcomed by our management, HR management and trainers on September 1, 2020. "I am delighted to welcome you as trainees here at POLYRACK and that you have chosen to train at POLYRACK TECH-GROUP ," said CEO Andreas Rapp. After a joint welcome and induction day, all trainees will start their careers directly in their respective departments. For the next three years, they will be trained as industrial clerks, industrial mechanics, metal technology specialists and cutting machine operators. We currently have 23 trainees and 3 dual university students at POLYRACK TECH-GROUP , which shows the importance we attach to training our own specialists. We wish all new trainees a successful start, lots of fun and success in this new phase of their lives. You can find our apprenticeships for 2021 here: Apprenticeship POLYRACK



A new chapter in their lives has begun. We are talking about the seven trainees who were welcomed on 01.09.2020 by our management, personnel management and the supervisors.

"I am very pleased to welcome you here at POLYRACK and that you have decided to do your apprenticeship with the POLYRACK TECH-GROUP", said CEO Andreas Rapp.

After a joint welcoming and introduction day, all trainees will start their professional life directly in their respective areas. For the next three years, they will be trained in the professions of industrial clerk, industrial mechanic, metal technology specialist and cutting machine operator.

At the moment, 23 trainees and 3 dual students are employed by the POLYRACK TECH-GROUP, which shows the great importance of training our own specialists.

We wish all new trainees a successful start, lots of fun and success for this new chapter in their lives.



Pour ces jeunes, une nouvelle phase de la vie a commencé. Il s'agit des 7 apprentis qui ont été accueillis par notre direction, la direction du personnel et les formateurs le 01.09.2020.

"Je suis très heureux de vous accueillir ici chez POLYRACK et que vous ayez décidé de vous former avec le POLYRACK TECH-GROUP", a déclaré le PDG Andreas Rapp.

Après une journée commune d'accueil et d'introduction, tous les apprenticeis commenceront leur vie professionnelle directement dans le domaine respectif. Over the course of the next three years, they will be trained as industrial workers, industrial mechanics, specialists in metalworking technology and machine operators.

Currently, 23 apprentices and 3 students in double university courses are employed by le POLYRACK TECH-GROUP, which demonstrates the great importance we attach to the training of our own specialists.

Nous souhaitons à tous les nouveaux apprentis un bon départ, beaucoup de plaisir et de succès pour cette nouvelle étape de leur vie.

4 Sep
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group