News around POLYRACK

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New industrial desktop case FrameTEC

With the newly developed FrameTEC industrial desktop housing for 19" plug-in units, POLYRACK enables elegant housing solutions that allow high flexibility in design and dimensions. In addition to the existing grounding concept, an EMC preparation is available and the standard protection class IP20 can be extended if required.

For more details, please see the press release or the products section of our website.


New industrial desktop case FrameTEC

With the newly developed FrameTEC industrial desktop case for 19" plug-in units, POLYRACK enables elegant case solutions that allow a high degree of flexibility in design and dimensions. In addition to the existing earthing concept, an EMC preparation is available and the standard protection class IP20 can be extended if required.

Further details can be found in the press release, which you can read here, or in the product section of our website.


Nouveau coffret de table industriel FrameTEC

With the new industrial table case FrameTEC for 19" tiroirs, POLYRACK offers elegant case solutions that allow great flexibility in terms of design and dimensions. In addition to the existing on-site installation concept, a CEM preparation is available and the standard IP20 protection index can be added if necessary.

Vous trouverez plus de détails dans le communiqué de presse que vous pouvez lire ici ou dans la section Produits de notre site web.

20 Jul
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group


Get to know our exciting areas of responsibility and innovative projects in diverse industries. Changing the future together: This is what our employees achieve in their daily work at POLYRACK. Cross-technology corporate concepts, especially in development, material consulting, design and series production, are the focus here. This guarantees a maximum level of knowledge in the implementation of cross-industry and international projects. The motivation, diversity and commitment of our employees are crucial. That is why we are looking for committed, team-oriented, quality-conscious and responsible employees who would like to contribute to the joint success of our company. Get to know us and find out more about our current job advertisements.



Get to know our exciting areas of responsibility and innovative projects in diverse industries. Changing the future together: This is what our employees achieve in their daily work at POLYRACK. Cross-technology corporate concepts, especially in development, material consulting, design and series production, are the focus here. This guarantees a maximum level of knowledge in the implementation of cross-industry and international projects. The motivation, diversity and commitment of our employees are crucial. That is why we are looking for committed, team-oriented, quality-conscious and responsible employees who would like to help shape the joint success of our company.

Get to know us and find out about our current job openings.



Découvrez nos domaines d'activité passionnants et nos projets innovants dans des secteurs variés. Changer l'avenir ensemble : C'est ce que font nos collaborateurs* dans leur travail quotidien chez POLYRACK. The concepts of the trans-technological company, especially in the areas of development, material consulting, construction and mass production, are at the center of our concerns. Cela permet de garantir un niveau de connaissances maximal lors de la mise en œuvre de projets intersectoriels et internationaux. Dans ce contexte, la motivation, la diversité et l'engagement de nos collaborateurs* sont déterminants. That is why we are looking for dedicated collaborators* with team spirit, who are committed to quality and responsibility and who want to contribute to the success of the company.

Faites notre connaissance et informez-vous sur nos offres d'emploi actuelles.

14 Jul
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group


Thank you very much for visiting our booth at the medical technology trade fair MedtecLIVE in Stuttgart. We were very pleased to finally meet you in person again and to present you some of our product solutions in the field of medical technology, as well as the wide range of products and services of our group of companies. Subscribe now to the POLYRACK newsletter to be always informed about news around medical technology and "Electronic Packaging made by POLYRACK".


MedtecLIVE 2022 - Thank you for your visit !

Thank you for visiting our booth at the MedtecLIVE in Stuttgart.

It was great to finally meet you in person again and to showcase some of our product applications for the market of medical technology.

Register for our Newsletter now, to stay informed about our news about medical technology and "electronic packaging made by POLYRACK".



MedtecLIVE 2022 - Merci de votre visite !

Nous vous remercions d'avoir visité notre stand au salon des technologies médicales MedtecLIVE à Stuttgart.

Nous avons été très heureux de vous rencontrer enfin en personne et de vous présenter quelques-unes de nos solutions de produits dans le domaine médicale, ainsi que la vaste gamme de produits et de prestations de notre groupe.

Abonnez-vous dès maintenant à la lettre d'information de POLYRACK pour être toujours informé des nouveautés concernant la médicale et "Electronic Packaging made by POLYRACK".

22 Jun
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group


SAVE THE DATE: From May 3-5, 2022, POLYRACK TECH-GROUP will be presenting its wide range of enclosure systems, assemblies and individual parts for many areas of application in medical technology at the MedtecLIVE with T4M trade fair in Stuttgart (stand 10-557).individual components and systems to which patients entrust their lives. Companies in the medical sector therefore rightly place the highest demands on quality and reliability, including on their partners in the supply chain. We develop and produce assemblies in a material mix of sheet metal and plastic with finishing. Our expertise in the manufacture of multi-component parts and the finest openings and structures is of benefit to us in medical technology. We look forward to your visit.


Visit us on MedtecLIVE in Stuttgart

SAVE THE DATE: From May 03rd-05th, 2022 the POLYRACK TECH-GROUP presents their wide range of case systems, assemblies and individual parts for various applications in medical technology at the MedtecLIVE with T4M in Stuttgart, Germany (booth 10-557).

Individual components and systems to which patients entrust their lives. Justifiably the companies in the medical industry place the highest demands on quality and reliability, also on their partners in the supply chain. We develop and manufacture subassemblies in a material mix out of sheet metal and plastic with finishing. Our know-how in the manufacturing of multi-component assemblies as well as finest breakthroughs and structures is of great benefit to us in the field of medical technology.


Visitez-nous à la MedtecLIVE à Stuttgart

SAVE THE DATE : Du 03 au 05 mai 2022, POLYRACK TECH-GROUP présentera sa large gamme de systèmes de boîtiers, de sous-ensembles et de pièces détachées pour de nombreux domaines d'application dans la technologie médicale au salon MedtecLIVE with T4M à Stuttgart, Allemagne (stand 10-557).

Des composants individuels et des systèmes auxquels les patients confient leur vie. For this reason, medical technology manufacturers have the highest demands in terms of quality and reliability. We develop and construct equipment with a combination of materials such as metal and plastic, which are valuable. Our expertise in the manufacture of parts with multiple components, as well as aerations and ultra-fine structures, is of great benefit to medical technology.


28 Apr
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group

POLYRACK TECH-GROUP at MedtecLIVE with T4M in Stuttgart

POLYRACK TECH-GROUP will be exhibiting at MedtecLIVE with T4M from May 3-5, 2022 in Stuttgart. The enclosure and system specialist will be showcasing its extensive range of enclosure systems, assemblies and individual parts that are used in various areas of medical technology.

At the trade fair, POLYRACK will be presenting the breadth and depth of its technology spectrum, including various customer projects from the emergency, diagnostics, laboratory, surgery and intensive care segments. These include representative components and assemblies made of thermoplastic injection molding as well as welded assemblies made of sheet metal. The complex systems and components made of plastic, metal, sheet metal and cast iron, also in material combinations, are designed in particular to meet customer-specific requirements. The portfolio also includes the development and integration of electronic components, such as touch displays. In addition to the technical and economic requirements that POLYRACK meets, the visual component is not neglected either: The surfaces can be individualized in their color scheme by powder coating or wet painting and refined by a product name or technical connection inscriptions by means of screen and pad printing processes, HD printing or laser inscription.

POLYRACK's service portfolio covers the entire value chain, from consulting and development through production, finishing and assembly to spare parts supply and logistics.


POLYRACK TECH-GROUP at MedtecLIVE with T4M in Stuttgart

At MedtecLIVE with T4M (3.-5.05.2022, Stuttgart) the POLYRACK TECH-GROUP will present their wide range of case systems, assemblies and individual parts for various applications in medical technology.

Among others, POLYRACK will present the width and depth of its technology spectrum using various customer projects from the emergency, diagnostics, laboratory, surgery and intensive care segments, at the trade show. These include representative components and assemblies made from sheet metal. The complex systems and components made of plastics, metal, sheet metal and die-cast, as well as combinations of materials, are specifically designed to meet customer-specific requirements. The portfolio also includes the development and integration of electronic components, such as touch displays. In addition to the technical and economic requirements that POLYRACK meets, the optical component is not neglected: The surfaces can be individualized in their color scheme by powder coating or wet painting and enhanced by a product name or technical connection inscriptions by means of screen and pad printing processes, HD printing or laser marking.

POLYRACK's service portfolio covers the entire value chain, from design and development, production, finishing and assembly to spare parts supply and logistics.


POLYRACK TECH-GROUP au salon MedtecLIVE with T4M à Stuttgart

Le POLYRACK TECH-GROUP participates in MedtecLIVE with T4M from 3 to 5 May 2022 in Stuttgart. Le spécialiste des boîtiers et des systèmes y présentera sa vaste gamme de systèmes de boîtiers, de modules et de pièces détachées utilisés dans différents domaines de la technique médicale.‍

At the show, POLYRACK will present the breadth and depth of its range of technologies, notably through various client projects from the emergency, diagnostic, laboratory, surgical and intensive care segments. Il s'agit notamment de composants et de sous-ensembles représentatifs en thermoplastique moulé par injection ainsi que de sous-ensembles soudés en tôle. The systems and complex components in plastic, metal, clay and concrete, also in combination with other materials, are designed in particular to meet the specific requirements of our customers. The portfolio also includes the development and integration of electronic components, such as tactile screens. Outre les exigences techniques et économiques auxquelles POLYRACK répond, la composante optique n'est pas en reste : les surfaces peuvent être personnalisées dans leur couleur par revêtement en poudre ou par peinture liquide et être ennoblies par un nom de produit ou des inscriptions techniques de raccordement par sérigraphie et tampographie, impression HD ou marquage au laser.

Le portefeuille de services de POLYRACK comprend l'ensemble de la chaîne de création de valeur, du conseil et du développement à l'approvisionnement en pièces de rechange et à la logistique, en passant par la production, la finition et le montage.

10 Mar
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group


We can help you with that! To find out more about what POLYRACK has to offer and how the recruitment process works, we spoke to Claudia Horn, Human Resources Manager at the group.

Can you tell us something about yourself?
Claudia Horn: I have been part of #TeamPOLYRACK since 2012 and am responsible for HR for the POLYRACK group of companies. For me, POLYRACK is characterized by a high level of team spirit, helpful colleagues and a common pursuit of goals. From the beginning, I set myself the goal of balancing the dynamic growth course of the group of companies with the recruitment of suitable employees.
POLYRACK believes in the parallels between the performance worlds of sports and business. I, too, can identify very well with the sports mission statement that fair play and respect in our daily dealings with each other, but also willpower, passion and joy at work are important motivators for implementing visions and goals.

How do I know which positions you are currently looking to fill?
Claudia Horn: We publish all our vacancies on our careers page. We also have partner networks in schools and with continuing education providers. We are looking for TEAMPLAYERS in all areas. If you are looking for a change, just check our career page to see if there is an interesting job posting for you. You can also find interesting articles on POLYRACK and on the subject of careers on LinkedIn.

If I have found a job that appeals to me - what do I need to keep in mind when applying at

Claudia Horn: It is very important to us that you submit the required documents such as your CV, employer references, references, certificates of further training measures, etc. for the respective job posting in full. In the case of further training, only the most recent certificates should be submitted.

Do you have any tips for a good resume?
Claudia Horn: Basically, a resume should not contain any typing errors and should cover all stages of your personal career without gaps. What else is important for us: Be unique! Be yourself! Give us an insight into your talent and what drives you in your job. We want to grow with you, and that includes not only your talent, but also your personality!

How long does such a process take?
Claudia Horn: The process duration always depends on the position. After you submit your application, we will review your application for important requirements. In addition, the hiring department will also be consulted to review your application. This is important to review all conceivable characteristics! We want your application to receive the attention it deserves. If we have any questions, we will contact you and clarify any open questions in an initial interview. If your application and you are a good fit for POLYRACK, we will usually invite you to a personal interview. This gives us the opportunity to get to know each other better and to address any open questions. We want you to gain an authentic and positive insight into our corporate culture and the position itself!

Is there anything else you would like to add before we end this round of questions?
Claudia Horn: We try to treat our applicants with the greatest possible respect, the greatest possible speed of the process, reliability and also friendliness. We welcome every application and make sure that the applicant has the best possible experience with us - from start to finish.
We look forward to hearing from you and perhaps welcoming you as a future member of #TeamPOLYRACK!

Thank you for explaining the recruitment process at POLYRACK!

Would you also like to become a part of the POLYRACK team? Take a look at our career page where you can find all open positions! We are looking forward to your application!




We can help you with that! To find out more about what POLYRACK has to offer and how the recruitment process works, we spoke to Claudia Horn, Human Resources Manager at the group.

Can you tell us something about yourself?

Claudia Horn: I have been part of #TeamPOLYRACK since 2012 and am responsible for HR for the POLYRACK group of companies. For me, POLYRACK is characterized by a high level of team spirit, helpful colleagues and a common pursuit of goals. From the beginning, I set myself the goal of balancing the dynamic growth course of the group of companies with the recruitment of suitable employees.
POLYRACK believes in the parallels between the performance worlds of sports and business. I, too, can identify very well with the sports mission statement that fair play and respect in our daily dealings with each other, but also willpower, passion and joy at work are important motivators for implementing visions and goals.

How do I know which positions you are currently looking to fill?

Claudia Horn: We publish all our vacancies on our careers page. We also have partner networks in schools and with continuing education providers. We are looking for TEAMPLAYERS in all areas. If you are looking for a change, just check our careers page to see if there is an interesting job posting for you. You can also find interesting articles on POLYRACK and on the subject of careers on LinkedIn.

If I have found a job that appeals to me - what do I need to keep in mind when applying at?

Claudia Horn: It is very important to us that you submit the required documents such as your CV, employer references, references, certificates of further training measures, etc. for the respective job posting in full. In the case of further training, only the most recent certificates should be submitted.

Do you have any tips for a good resume?

Claudia Horn: Basically, a resume should not contain any typing errors and should cover all stages of your personal career without gaps. What else is important for us: Be unique! Be yourself! Give us an insight into your talent and what drives you in your job. We want to grow with you, and that includes not only your talent, but also your personality!

How long does such a process take?

Claudia Horn: The process duration always depends on the position. After you submit your application, we will review your application for important requirements. In addition, the hiring department will also be consulted to review your application. This is important to review all conceivable characteristics! We want your application to receive the attention it deserves. If we have any questions, we will contact you and clarify any open questions in an initial interview. If your application and you are a good fit for POLYRACK, we will usually invite you to a personal interview. This gives us the opportunity to get to know each other better and to address any open questions. We want you to gain an authentic and positive insight into our corporate culture and the position itself!

Is there anything else you would like to add before we end this round of questions?

Claudia Horn: We try to treat our applicants with the greatest possible respect, the greatest possible speed of the process, reliability and also friendliness. We welcome every application and make sure that the applicant has the best possible experience with us - from start to finish.
We look forward to hearing from you and perhaps welcoming you as a future member of #TeamPOLYRACK!

Thank you for explaining the recruitment process at POLYRACK!

Would you also like to become a part of the POLYRACK team? Take a look at our career page where you can find all open positions! We are looking forward to your application!




Nous pouvons vous y aider ! Pour en savoir plus sur ce que POLYRACK a à offrir et comment se déroule le processus de recrutement, nous nous sommes entretenus avec Claudia Horn, responsable des ressources humaines du groupe.

Pouvez-vous nous parler de vous ?

Claudia Horn : Je fais partie de l'#TeamPOLYRACK depuis 2012 et je suis responsable des ressources humaines pour le groupe d'entreprises POLYRACK. Pour moi, POLYRACK se caractérise par un fort esprit d'équipe, des collègues serviables et une poursuite commune des objectifs. Dès le début, je me suis fixé comme objectif de faire le grand écart entre la croissance dynamique du groupe et le recrutement de collaborateurs adaptés.
POLYRACK croit aux parallèles entre les mondes de la performance que sont le sport et les affaires. Moi aussi, je m'identifie très bien avec le modèle du sport : le fair-play et le respect dans les relations quotidiennes, mais aussi la volonté, la passion et le plaisir au travail sont des motivations importantes pour mettre enœuvre des visions et des objectifs.

Comment puis-je savoir quels postes vous cherchez actuellement à pourvoir ?

Claudia Horn : Nous publions tous nos postes sur notre page Carrières. Nous avons également des réseaux de partenaires dans les écoles et auprès des organismes de formation continue. Nous recherchons des TEAMPLAYERS dans tous les domaines. Si vous souhaitez changer, il vous suffit de consulter notre page Carrières pour voir si une offre d'emploi intéressante vous intéresse. Vous trouverez également des articles intéressants sur POLYRACK et sur le thème de la carrière sur LinkedIn.

Si j'ai trouvé un poste qui m'attire, à quoi dois-je faire attention en envoyant ma candidature à?

Claudia Horn : Il est très important pour nous que vous envoyiez l'ensemble des documents requis pour l'offre d'emploi en question, comme votre CV, vos certificats d'employeur, vos références, vos certificats de formation continue, etc.. Pour les formations continues, seuls les certificats les plus récents doivent être envoyés.

Avez-vous des conseils à donner pour un bon CV ?

Claudia Horn : En principe, un CV ne doit pas contenir de fautes de frappe et doit couvrir sans faille toutes les étapes de votre parcours personnel. Ce qui est encore plus important pour nous : soyez unique ! Soyez vous-même ! Donnez-nous un aperçu de votre talent et de ce qui vous motive dans votre travail. Nous voulons grandir avec vous, et cela ne passe pas seulement par votre talent, mais aussi par votre personnalité !

Combien de temps dure un tel processus ?

Claudia Horn : La durée du processus dépend toujours du poste. Une fois que vous avez envoyé votre candidature, nous l'examinerons pour voir si elle répond aux exigences importantes. En outre, le service qui recrute est également consulté afin d'examiner votre candidature. C'est important pour vérifier toutes les qualités possibles et imaginables ! Nous souhaitons que votre candidature reçoive toute l'attention qu'elle mérite. Si vous avez des questions, nous prendrons contact avec vous et clarifierons les points en suspens lors d'un premier entretien. Si votre candidature et vous correspondez à POLYRACK, nous vous invitons en général à un entretien personnel. Nous aurons alors l'occasion de mieux nous connaître et de répondre à toutes les questions en suspens. Nous voulons que vous ayez un aperçu authentique et positif de notre culture d'entreprise et du poste lui-même !

Souhaitez-vous ajouter quelque chose avant que nous ne terminions cette série de questions ?

Claudia Horn : We try to treat our candidates* with the greatest respect, the greatest speed of the process, the greatest flexibility, and also the greatest amiability possible. Nous nous réjouissons de chaque candidature et veillons à ce que le candidat vive avec nous la meilleure expérience possible - du début à la fin.
Nous nous réjouissons d'entendre parler de vous et peut-être de vous accueillir comme futur membre de l'#TeamPOLYRACK !

Merci d'avoir expliqué le processus de recrutement chez POLYRACK !

Souhaitez-vous aussi faire partie de l'équipe POLYRACK ? Consultez notre page Carrières, où vous trouverez tous les postes vacants ! Nous attendons avec impatience votre candidature !


Author / Authoress
1 Mar
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group