News around POLYRACK

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An eventful and challenging year 2022 is drawing to an end. We would like to thank all of our customers and business partners for the good cooperation and the trust placed in us in 2022.

Before we start the new year with new energy, ideas and projects, we wish you & your families a nice, relaxing and peaceful Christmas.

We look forward to our continued cooperation in 2023.


Merry christmas and a happy new year 2023

An eventful and challenging year 2022 is drawing to an end. We would like to thank all of our customers and business partners for the good cooperation and the trust placed in us in 2022.

Before we start the new year with new energy, ideas and projects, we wish you & your families a nice, relaxing and peaceful Christmas time.

We look forward to our continued cooperation in 2023.


Joyeux Noël et bonne année 2023

Une année 2022 riche en événements et en défis touche à sa fin. Nous souhaitons remercier chaleureusement tous nos clients et partenaires commerciaux pour la bonne collaboration et la confiance qu'ils nous ont accordée en 2022.

Avant d'entamer la nouvelle année avec une énergie, des idées et des projets nouveaux, nous vous souhaitons à vous & à vos familles de belles journées de Noël, reposantes et sereines.

Nous nous réjouissons de poursuivre notre collaboration en 2023.

20 Dec
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group

On course for growth: POLYRACK expands capacities

POLYRACK sets new milestones for dynamic growth: After the expansion of Plant 4 in Ettlingen to a production area of 35,000 m2 and the growth of the total number of employees to over 500, further measures with an investment amount of 15 million euros follow. The company is thus working towards a turnover target of 100 million euros in the next two to three years. POLYRACK is one of the international market leaders for electronic packaging and manufactures system solutions of various levels of sophistication in its plants in Germany, Belgium and the USA. Target markets for complete electronic systems and case solutions include the e-mobility, medical technology, sustainable energy generation and telecommunications market segments.

In order to achieve its sales target, POLYRACK is focusing on expanding its own infrastructure. This primarily includes the construction of a new logistics centre at the Straubenhardt site. By the end of 2023, a 2,000 m2 semi-automated high-bay warehouse for 2200 euro pallets will be built here. This centre will become the hub of finished goods for all production sites. "Significant leaps in growth are on the horizon for the coming years, which we can already see quite clearly due to our usual project runtimes and high order backlog," says Andreas Rapp, shareholder and managing director of POLYRACK TECH-GROUP in its second generation.

This also concerns the presence in the USA for the North American market - here the company continues its global expansion and invests in the plant at the Cumberland (Rhode Island) location: The existing company building is growing by 1,000 m2 and will then comprise 3,000 m2 for assembly, logistics and office space. "In the US market, we expect sales to increase by 300 % in the next two years. The investment of 1.5 million US dollars is crucial for growth in this future market."

Further increasing the location's attractiveness in the Enzkreis region

In addition, the POLYRACK TOWER, a project close to the heart of the entrepreneurial family, is being built in Straubenhardt, near Plant 2. In addition to the name giver himself, companies, service providers and doctors from the region are to settle in the energy-plus building from mid-2024. The building, which is planned as a timber hybrid construction, shows that the term "industrial enterprise" and the characteristics "ecologically sustainable" can complement each other in a meaningful way. The newly constructed buildings also make it possible to increase the company's own energy production: the integrated photovoltaic systems generate up to 400 Kwh of electricity for the production facilities.


On course for growth: POLYRACK expands capacities

POLYRACK sets new milestones for dynamic growth: After the expansion of Plant 4 in Ettlingen to a production area of 35,000m2 and the growth of the total number of employees to over 500, further measures with an investment amount of 15 million euros follow. The company is thus working towards a turnover target of 100 million euros in the next two to three years. POLYRACK is one of the international market leaders for electronic packaging and manufactures system solutions of various levels of sophistication in its plants in Germany, Belgium and the USA. Target markets for complete electronic systems and case solutions include the e-mobility, medical technology, sustainable energy generation and telecommunications market segments.

In order to achieve its sales target, POLYRACK is focusing on expanding its own infrastructure. This primarily includes the construction of a new logistics center at the Straubenhardt site. By the end of 2023, a 2,000m2 semi-automated high-bay warehouse for 2200 euro pallets will be built here. This center will become the hub of finished goods for all production sites. "Significant leaps in growth are on the horizon for the coming years, which we can already see quite clearly due to our usual project runtimes and high order backlog," says Andreas Rapp, shareholder and managing director of POLYRACK TECH-GROUP in its second generation.

This also concerns the presence in the USA for the North American market - here the company continues its global expansion and invests in the plant at the Cumberland (Rhode Island) location: The existing company building is growing by 1,000m2 and will then comprise 3,000m2 for assembly, logistics and office space. "In the US market, we expect sales to increase by 300 % in the next two years. The investment of 1.5 million US dollars is crucial for growth in this future market."‍

Further increasing the location's attractiveness in the Enzkreis region
addition, the POLYRACK TOWER, a project close to the heart of the entrepreneurial family, is being built in Straubenhardt, near Plant 2. In addition to the name giver himself, companies, service providers and doctors from the region are to settle in the energy-plus building from mid-2024. The building, which is planned as a timber hybrid construction, shows that the term "industrial enterprise" and the characteristics "ecologically sustainable" can complement each other in a meaningful way. The newly constructed buildings also make it possible to increase the company's own energy production: the integrated photovoltaic systems generate up to 400 Kwh of electricity for the production facilities.


Sur la voie de la croissance : POLYRACK augmente ses capacités

POLYRACK pose de nouveaux jalons pour une croissance dynamique : après l'agrandissement de l'usine 4 à Ettlingen pour atteindre une surface de production de 35.000m2 et l'augmentation du nombre total d'employés à plus de 500, d'autres mesures suivent avec un montant d'investissement de 15 millions d'euros.

L'entreprise travaille ainsi à un objectif de chiffre d'affaires de 100 millions d'euros dans les deux à trois prochaines années. POLYRACK is one of the international leaders in the electronic packaging market and manufactures various levels of extension solutions at its facilities in Germany, Belgium and the United States. The markets targeted for complete electronic systems and packaging solutions include the e-mobility, medical technology, sustainable energy production and telecommunications segments.

13 Dec
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group

Case specialist POLYRACK at electronica 2022 in Munich

At the upcoming electronica exhibiton in Munich the POLYRACK TECH-GROUP presents itself as a cross-technology partner for individual case and systems solutions for a wide range of quantities. One of the highlights will be the new FrameTEC case series.

Representative product development with various approaches and materials demonstrate the comprehensive competence of the POLYRACK TECH-GROUP in mechanics, plastics technology, surface treatment, electronics, mounting and assembly.The solutions range from small to large components for a variety of industries, such as mechanical and plant engineering, energy technology, medical technology, measurement and control technology, safety technology, transportation and telecommunications.

Highlights from the range of products and services include Panel PC solutions and Compact PCI systems in ready-to-use system solutions. In the field of electromechanics / system peripherals, these are 19-inch racks and housings as well as 19-inch subracks and accessories. Other focus products are modular and customizable cases of the EmbedTEC series, which are also available in SDD and eNUC variants, as well as the new FrameTEC case series, which will be presented to the public for the first time.

All POLYRACK solutions are characterized by the matching combination of mechanics, plastics, electronics and surface finishing – tailored to the respective target market.



Case specialist POLYRACK at electronica 2022 in Munich

At the upcoming electronica exhibiton in Munich the POLYRACK TECH-GROUP presents itself as a cross-technology partner for individual case and systems solutions for a wide range of quantities. One of the highlights will be the new FrameTEC case series.

Representative product development with various approaches and materials demonstrate the comprehensive competence of the POLYRACK TECH-GROUP in mechanics, plastics technology, surface treatment, electronics, mounting and assembly.The solutions range from small to large components for a variety of industries, such as mechanical and plant engineering, energy technology, medical technology, measurement and control technology, safety technology, transportation and telecommunications.

Highlights from the range of products and services include Panel PC solutions and Compact PCI systems in ready-to-use system solutions. In the field of electromechanics / system peripherals, these are 19-inch racks and housings as well as 19-inch subracks and accessories. Other focus products are modular and customizable cases of the EmbedTEC series, which are also available in SDD and eNUC variants, as well as the new FrameTEC case series, which will be presented to the public for the first time.

All POLYRACK solutions are characterized by the matching combination of mechanics, plastics, electronics and surface finishing - tailored to the respective target market.


Le spécialiste des coffrets POLYRACK présent au salon electronica 2022 à Munich

Le POLYRACK TECH-GROUP will be present at the electronica 2022 trade fair (from 13 to 16 November in Munich) in hall B3, stand 141, as a multi-technology partner for customized case and system solutions for the most diverse quantities. Among the main points of the stand, the new series of FrameTEC cases will be presented for the first time.

The development of representative products with different solutions and materials demonstrates the global expertise of POLYRACK TECH-GROUP in the fields of mechanics, plastics, surface treatment, electronics, assembly and installation. The solutions range from small to large components for multiple sectors, such as the markets for machine and installation construction, energy technology, medical technology, measurement, control and regulation technology, safety technology, transportation and telecommunications.

Les produits phares de l'offre de produits et de services sont les solutions Panel PC et les systèmes Compact PCI pour les solutions système finies. Dans le domaine de l'électromécanique et de la périphérie des systèmes, il s'agit de tiroirs et de coffrets 19" ainsi que de bacs à cartes 19" et d'accessoires 19". D'autres produits phares sont les coffrets modulaires et personnalisables de la série EmbedTEC, qui sont également disponibles en variantes SFF et eNUC, ainsi que la nouvelle série de coffrets FrameTEC, qui sera présentée pour la première fois au public lors du salon.

Toutes les solutions POLYRACK se distinguent par une interaction adéquate entre la mécanique, le plastique, l'électronique et la finition de surface - adaptée à chaque marché cible.

14 Sep
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group

Welcome to team POLYRACK - Trainees 2022

We are pleased to welcome 9 new trainees to team POLYRACK. Over the next three years, they will be trained in the professions of industrial clerk, industrial mechanic, construction mechanic, technical product designer and specialist for metal technology.

Each year, it is a pleasure for us to work with motivated and committed young people and to give them the best possible start to their careers.

We are very excited to be able to accompany them at the start of their careers and wish all trainees lot of success and fun during their training and for this new chapter in their lives.

You can find our training positions for 2023 here.



Welcome to team POLYRACK - Trainees 2022

We are pleased to welcome 9 new trainees to team POLYRACK. Over the next three years, they will be trained in the professions of industrial clerk, industrial mechanic, construction mechanic, technical product designer and specialist for metal technology.

Each year, it is a pleasure for us to work with motivated and committed young people and to give them the best possible start to their careers.

We are very excited to be able to accompany them at the start of their careers and wish all trainees lot of success and fun during their training and for this new chapter in their lives.


Bienvenue chez POLYRACK - Nouveaux apprentis 2022

Nous sommes heureux d'accueillir nos 9 nouveaux apprentis. They will be trained over the next three years in the trades of commercial employee, industrial mechanic, construction mechanic, technical product designer and specialist in material technology.

C'est un plaisir renouvelé chaque année de travailler avec des jeunes motivés et engagés et de leur offrir le meilleur départ possible dans la vie professionnelle.

Nous souhaitons à nos apprentis beaucoup de succès et de plaisir dans leur entrée dans la vie professionnelle et dans leur formation.

9 Sep
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group


We congratulate our trainees on passing the final exams of their apprenticeship.

On behalf of all colleagues, CEO Andreas Rapp thanked all graduates for their commitment and dedication during their training and congratulated them on passing their exams.

We look forward to the further cooperation in the different departments. They all showed full commitment in both theory and practice and achieved good results. This year we had graduates in the areas of engineering, machining, metal technology, IT and product design.

You can find our current open apprenticeship positions for 2022, as well as other open positions on our career page: POLYRACK Career



POLYRACK congratulates its graduates

We congratulate our trainees on passing the final exams of their apprenticeship.

On behalf of all colleagues, CEO Andreas Rapp thanked all graduates for their commitment and dedication during the training and congratulated them on passing their exams.

We look forward to the further cooperation in the different departments. They all showed full commitment in both theory and practice and achieved good results. This year we had graduates in the areas of engineering, machining, metal technology, IT and product design.



POLYRACK félicite ses apprentis

Nous félicitons nos apprenticeis de cette année pour avoir réussi l'examen final de leur apprentissage.

Au nom de tous les collègues, le directeur Andreas Rapp a remercié tous les apprentis pour leur engagement et leur dévouement pendant leur apprentissage et les a félicités pour la réussite de leurs exams.  

Nous réjouissons de poursuivre notre collaboration dans les différents départements. It tous fait preuve d'un engagement total, tant sur le plan théorique que pratique, et ont obtenu de bons résultats. Cette année, nous avons eu des apprentis dans les domaines de la construction, de l'usinage, de la technologie des métaux, de l'informatique spécialisée et de la conception de produits.


21 Jul
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Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group


The Metalle in Form GmbH, a company of the POLYRACK TECH-GROUP, is expanding its production capacity at the plant in Karlsruhe with a new laser cutting machine.

This week we happily welcomed the TruLaser 5030 fiber 2D laser cutting machine from the company Trumpf, at our plant. It impresses with its high processing speed and reproducible high part quality, even for complex contours. Thanks to the solid-state laser, it achieves excellent feed rates. Clever assistant systems make the complete machining process productive and reliable. Everything from construction to design parts can be lasered on this new machine.

To learn more about our range of products and services in the field of mechanics, click here: Mechanics



POLYRACK expands machinery in the field of mechanics

The Metalle in Form GmbH, a company of the POLYRACK TECH-GROUP, is expanding its production capacity at the plant in Karlsruhe with a new laser cutting machine.

This week we happily welcomed the TruLaser 5030 fiber 2D laser cutting machine from the company Trumpf, at our plant. It impresses with its high processing speed and reproducible high part quality, even for complex contours. Thanks to the solid-state laser, it achieves excellent feed rates. Clever assistant systems make the complete machining process productive and reliable. Everything from construction to design parts can be lasered on this new machine.

To learn more about our machinery and capabilities in mechanics, click here: Mechanics


POLYRACK agrandit son parc de machines dans le domaine de la technologie de mécanique

Metalle in Form GmbH, une entreprise du POLYRACK TECH-GROUP, augmente sa capacité de production sur son site de Karlsruhe avec une nouvelle machine de découpe laser.

Cette semaine, nous avons eu le plaisir d'accueillir d'notre usine la machine de découpe laser TruLaser 5030 fiber 2D, de la société Trumpf. Elle convainc par sa vitesse d'usinage élevée et sa grande qualité de pièces reproductibles, même pour les contours complexes. Grâce au laser à solide, elles atteignent d'excellentes avances. Des systèmes d'assistance intelligents rendent le procédé d'usinage productif et fiable. On this new machine, it is possible to laser cut construction parts up to design parts.

Pour en savoir plus sur nos machines et nos capacités dans le domaine de la technologie de mécanique cliquez ici : Mécanique

21 Jul
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group