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High-quality enclosure and system solutions for electronics will be presented by POLYRACK TECH-GROUP at SPS - Smart Production Solutions in Nuremberg from November 14 to 16, 2023. In Hall 3C, Stand 202, POLYRACK will be exhibiting, among other things, the FrameTEC industrial desktop enclosure for 19" plug-in units, which has won the iF Award 2023.

Several product ranges will be available on site for a first hands-on.

Thanks to a broad technology spectrum in mechanical manufacturing, systems engineering/electronics, plastics technology and surface processing, POLYRACK offers electronic packaging for a wide range of applications. The range of services extends from consulting in the conception phase through development, production and assembly to logistics solutions and sourcing services.

For more information about the fair click here: SPS - smart production solutions



High-quality case and system solutions for electronics will be presented by POLYRACK TECH-GROUP at SPS - Smart Production Solutions in Nuremberg from November 14th - 16th, 2023. In Hall 3C, booth 202, POLYRACK will be showing, among other things, the FrameTEC industrial desktop case for 19" plug-in units, awarded with the iF Design Award 2023.

On site many of our product groups will be available for a first hands-on.

Thanks to a comprehensive range of technologies in mechanical manufacturing, systems technology/electronics, plastics technology and surface treatment, POLYRACK offers electronic packaging for a wide range of applications. The scope of services ranges from consulting in the conception phase to development, production and assembly to logistics solutions and sourcing services.

For more information on the show click here: SPS - smart production solutions



POLYRACK TECH-GROUP will be presenting high-quality case and system solutions for electronics at the SPS - Smart Production Solutions trade fair in Nuremberg from November 14 to 16, 2023. In hall 3C, stand 202, POLYRACK will be presenting, among other things, the FrameTEC industrial table case for 19" tables, winner of the iF Award 2023.

Sur place, plusieurs gammes de produits seront disponibles pour une première prise en main.

Thanks to a wide range of technologies in mechanical manufacturing, system/electronic engineering, plastic materials and surface treatment, POLYRACK offers electronic packaging for a wide range of applications. L'offre de prestations s'étend du conseil dans la phase de conception aux solutions logistiques et aux services de sourcing, en passant par le développement, la production et l'assemblage.

Pour plus d'informations sur le salon, cliquez ici : SPS - smart production solutions

27 Sep
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group


Last week, our youngest team members started their first step into professional life in our company. All trainees started with a welcome day and a joint excursion to nearby Bad Wildbad to get to know POLYRACK and their colleagues.

We welcome trainees in a wide variety of fields. From office management assistants, industrial clerks, technical draftsmen, construction and industrial mechanics, industrial electricians to metal technology specialists.

We look forward to laying the foundation for their professional future with them and making them experts in their field.

We wish all trainees an exciting and instructive time with us!

Would you also like to become part of our trainee team? Send us your application for 2024 here: POLYRACK Career Portal



Last week our youngest team members started their first step into their career at our company. All trainees started with a welcome day and a trip together with all other trainees to nearby Bad Wildbad to get to know POLYRACK and each other.

We are happy to have trainees in all areas from office management, industrial clerks, technical designers, construction and industrial mechanics, industrial electricians and metal technology specialists.

We are looking forward to helping them build the cornerstone for their future career and make them experts in their areas.

We wish all trainees an exciting and instructive time with us!



La semaine dernière, les plus jeunes membres de notre équipe ont fait leurs premiers pas dans la vie professionnelle au sein de notre entreprise. Tous les apprentis ont commencé par une journée de bienvenue et une excursion commune à Bad Wildbad, une ville proche, pour faire connaissance avec POLYRACK et ses collègues.

Nous accueillons des apprentis dans les domaines les plus divers. Des agents commerciaux pour la gestion de bureau, des agents commerciaux industriels, des dessinateurs techniques, des mécaniciens de construction et industriels, des électriciens industriels et des techniciens spécialisés en métallurgie.

Nous nous réjouissons de poser avec eux la première pierre de leur avenir professionnel et de faire d'eux des experts dans leur domaine.

Nous souhaitons à tous les apprentis une période passionnante et instructive chez nous !

5 Sep
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group


This year, we are proud to congratulate three successful graduates from the commercial and technical fields on passing their final exams and completing their training.

We are pleased that all three will continue their careers in the departments in which they last worked - namely purchasing, project management and production (milling).



This year we are proud to congratulate three successful graduates from the commercial and technical areas on passing their final exams and finishing their apprenticeships.

We are pleased to report that all three will continue their careers in the departments they last worked - namely purchasing, project management and production (milling).



Cette année, nous sommes fiers de féliciter trois étudiants du secteur commercial et technique qui ont réussi leur examen final et terminé leur apprentissage.

Nous sommes heureux que tous trois poursuivent leur carrière dans les services où ils travaillaient en dernier lieu, à savoir les achats, la gestion de projets et la production (fraisage).

15 Aug
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group


POLYRACK has won this year's iF DESIGN AWARD, making it one of the winners of the world-renowned design label. The industrial desktop housing FrameTEC for 19" plug-in units was awarded in the discipline "Product", in the category "Industry/Tools". FrameTEC's unobtrusive but independent design forms the basis for equipment manufacturers, who can use the system in a highly individualized way for their own brands. The iF DESIGN AWARD is presented once a year by the world's oldest independent design institution, iF International Forum Design GmbH.

‍TheFrameTEC housing solution is characterized by a modern-simple and at the same time functional form. The shadow gap between the inner and outer shells visually breaks up the calm appearance on the side. In addition to the slim walls, a protruding framing protects the side elements, while a continuous chamfer surface defines the outer contours. Functional customizations ranging from various handle solutions to a fully integrated display are possible without interrupting the elegant design.

When it comes to the design of the dimensions, the desktop enclosure allows a high degree of flexibility - heights from 176 to approx. 576 mm and installation from 3U to max. 12U are possible here. The standard width for 19" installation can be individually adapted and the installation range in depth extends up to 500mm.

Furthermore, the 133-member, independent, international jury of experts was convinced by the innovative design of the enclosure: The desktop enclosure offers a mounting option for 19" plug-in units and enables simple, flexible access from all sides as well as, alternatively, removal with a closed, complete front. With this, a front side without visible screws can be realized, while the screws are otherwise only visible on the front and rear sides.

The number of applicants was large: the jurors had to award the coveted seal of quality from almost 11,000 submissions from 56 countries. Further information on the FrameTEC table enclosure from POLYRACK can be found on the iF Design website .



POLYRACK has been awarded with this year's iF DESIGN AWARD and is therefore one of the winners of the worldwide renowned design label. The FrameTEC for 19" racks, is the winning product in the discipline "Product", in the category "Industry/Tools". A discrete yet unobtrusive design forms the basis of the FrameTEC appearance for equipment manufacturers, who can use the system in a highly individualized way for their own brands. Each year, the world's oldest independent design organization, iF International Forum Design GmbH, organizes the iF DESIGN AWARD.

‍TheFrameTEC case solution is characterized by a modern artless and at the same time functional shape. The shadow gap between the inner and outer shells visually breaks up the calm appearance on the sides. In addition to the slim walls, a protruding framing protects the side elements, while a continuous chamfer surface defines the outer contours. Functional customizations ranging from various handle solutions to a completely integrated display are possible without breaking the elegant design.

The desktop case allows a high degree of flexibility dimensioning the size - heights from 176 to approx. 576 mm and installation from 3U to max. 12U are possible. The standard width for 19" rack mounting can be adjusted individually and the installation range in depth reaches up to 500mm.

Furthermore, the 133-member, independent, international jury of experts was convinced by the innovative design of the case: The desktop case offers a mounting option for 19" plug-in units and enables a simple while flexible access from all sides, as well as alternatively a complete solid front. This results in a unique front view without visible screws, while the screws are otherwise only visible on the front and rear sides.

The number of applicants was large: the jurors had to award the popular prize from among almost 11,000 submissions out of 56 countries. Further information about POLYRACK's FrameTEC desktop case can be found on the iF Design website.



POLYRACK received the iF DESIGN AWARD this year and was among the laureates of this prestigious design label. Le coffret de table industriel FrameTEC pour tiroirs 19" a été primé dans la discipline "Product", dans la catégorie "Industry/Tools". Un design discret mais autonome constitue la base de FrameTEC pour les fabricants d'appareils qui peuvent utiliser le système de manière hautement individualisée pour leurs propres marques. L'iF DESIGN AWARD est décerné une fois par la plus ancienne institution de design indépendante au monde, l'iF International Forum Design GmbH.

‍Lasolution de coffret FrameTEC se caractérise par une forme à la fois moderne, sobre et fonctionnelle. Le joint d'ombre entre la coque intérieure et extérieure rompt visuellement l'aspect calme sur le côté. Outre les parois fines, un encadrement en saillie protège les éléments latéraux, tandis qu'une surface chanfreinée continue définit les contours extérieurs. Des personnalisations fonctionnelles, allant de diverses solutions de poignées à un écran entièrement intégré, sont possibles sans interrompre le design élégant.

Le coffret de table permet une grande flexibilité au niveau des dimensions - des hauteurs de 176 à 576 mm environ et un montage à partir de 3U jusqu'à 12U maximum sont possibles. La largeur standard pour le montage 19" peut être adaptée individuellement et la plage de montage en profondeur s'étend jusqu'à 500 mm.

Le coffret a également convaincu le jury de 133 experts internationaux indépendants par sa conception innovante : le coffret de table offre une possibilité de logement pour des tiroirs 19" et permet un accès simple et flexible de tous les côtés ainsi que une alternative de démontage avec une face avant complète fermée. Pour ce dernier, il est possible de réaliser une face avant sans visibles, alors que sinon les vis ne sont visibles que sur la face avant et arrière.

Les candidats étaient nombreux : les jurés ont dû attribuer le label de qualité tant convoité parmi près de 11.000 soumissions provenant de 56 pays. Pour plus d'informations sur le coffret de table FrameTEC de POLYRACK, consultez le site Internet iF Design.

20 Jul
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group

POLYRACK TECH-GROUP at MedtecLIVE - customised case systems for medical devices

The POLYRACK TECH-GROUP will be exhibiting at MedtecLIVE with T4M from 23 - 25 May 2023 in Nuremberg. Here, the case and systems specialist will show its extensive range of enclosure systems, assemblies and individual parts that are used in various areas of medical technology.

Medical technology places the highest demands on quality and reliability. POLYRACK provides cross-technology and cross material consulting for successful project realisation to enable a best fit. Depending on the application, various aspects have to be taken into account, which is why the enclosure and system specialist accompanies its customers from the early development phases, through the design and sample phase, right up to the series production phase of their products.

Precaution & emergency care, diagnostics & intensive care
Fail-safe systems and medical technology components with flawless functionality are the focus in the areas of emergency ventilation, operating theatre equipment, intensive medical care or inpatient and outpatient monitoring.

POLYRACK supplies components and assemblies for this purpose, which on the one hand form the mechanical basis and on the other hand are used as cladding parts with a high design standard. The service portfolio also includes the production of initial prototypes and further developed integration samples to verify functionality. Since, in addition to the technical requirements, such as EMC protection, chemical resistance or IP tightness, the quantities in medical technology can range from a few hundreds to tens of thousands per year, the selection of suitable material and technology processes, tools and processing steps with the best price-performance ratio must be taken into account for an optimal product application.


POLYRACK TECH-GROUP at MedtecLIVE - customised case systems for medical devices

The POLYRACK TECH-GROUP will be exhibiting at MedtecLIVE with T4M from 23 - 25 May 2023 in Nuremberg. Here, the case and systems specialist will show its extensive range of enclosure systems, assemblies and individual parts that are used in various areas of medical technology.

Medical technology places the highest demands on quality and reliability. POLYRACK provides cross-technology and cross material consulting for successful project realization to enable a best fit. Depending on the application, various aspects have to be taken into account, which is why the enclosure and system specialist accompanies its customers from the early development phases, through the design and sample phase, right up to the series production phase of their products.


Precaution & emergency care, diagnostics & intensive care‍

Fail-safe systems and medical technology components with flawless functionality are the focus in the areas of emergency ventilation, operating theater equipment, intensive medical care or inpatient and outpatient monitoring.

POLYRACK supplies components and assemblies for this purpose, which on the one hand form the mechanical basis and on the other hand are used as cladding parts with a high design standard. The service portfolio also includes the production of initial prototypes and further developed integration samples to verify functionality. Since, in addition to the technical requirements, such as EMC protection, chemical resistance or IP tightness, the quantities in medical technology can range from a few hundreds to tens of thousands per year, the selection of suitable material and technology processes, tools and processing steps with the best price-performance ratio must be taken into account for an optimal product application.


POLYRACK TECH-GROUP at MedtecLIVE - customised case systems for medical devices

Le POLYRACK TECH-GROUP expose au MedtecLIVE with T4M du 23 au 25 mai 2023 à Nuremberg. Le spécialiste des boîtiers et des systèmes y présentera sa vaste gamme de systèmes de boîtiers, de modules et de pièces détachées utilisés dans différents domaines de la technique médicale.

The medical technology poses very high demands in terms of quality and reliability. For a successful realization of the project, POLYRACK advises all technologies and materials to ensure a "best fit". Depending on the application, various aspects must be taken into account, which is why the specialist for components and systems accompanies its clients from the initial development phases, through the construction and assembly phases, to the serial production phase of their products.

Prevention & urgent care, diagnostics & intensive care
Integrated safety systems and reliable medical technology components are the focus of attention in the fields of urgent care ventilation, surgery rooms, intensive care and monitoring of inpatients and outpatients.

To this end, POLYRACK supplies components and modules which, on the one hand, form the mechanical base and, on the other hand, are used as components with a high design standard. The fabrication of initial prototypes and integration models, which are more elaborated for the verification of the functionality, is also part of the portfolio of services. Étant donné qu'en plus des exigences techniques, telles que la protection CEM, la résistance chimique ou l'étanchéité IP, le nombre de pièces dans la technique médicale peasser de quelques centaines à des centaines de milliers par an, it is advisable to select the material and technological processes, the tools and the steps of use that are most appropriate, with the best quality-price ratio, for an optimal application of the product.



19 Apr
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group

POLYRACK TECH-GROUP at embedded world 2023 - Systems design and case solutions

The selection of components for a hardware application can no longer be made solely on the basis of individual technical parameters. For the realization of an innovative product application, a view of the overall system is crucial. In Hall 3, Booth 554, POLYRACK will be demonstrating from March 14 to 16, 2023, how customers can optimize the time to market of their individualized products, among other things, through the housing solutions of the EmbedTEC and FrameTEC series.

POLYRACK TECH-GROUP at embedded world 2023 - Systems design and case solutions

The selection of components for a hardware application can no longer be made solely on the basis of individual technical parameters. For the realization of an innovative product application, a view of the overall system is crucial. In Hall 3, Booth 554, POLYRACK will be demonstrating from March 14 to 16, 2023, how customers can optimize the time to market of their individualized products, among other things, through the housing solutions of the EmbedTEC and FrameTEC series.‍‍

POLYRACK TECH-GROUP at embedded world 2023 - ConPOLYRACK TECH-GROUP at embedded world 2023 - Conception de systèmes et solutions de boîtiers

Le choix des composants pour une application matérielle ne peut plus se faire depuis longtemps sur la seule base de paramètres techniques individuels. Pour la réalisation d'une application produit innovante, il est essentiel d'avoir une vue d'ensemble du système. Dans le hall 3, stand 554, du 14 au 16 mars 2023, POLYRACK montrera comment les clients peuvent optimiser le time to market de leurs produits personnalisés, entre autres grâce aux solutions de boîtiers des séries EmbedTEC et FrameTEC.
21 Feb
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group

POLYRACK TECH-GROUP at embedded world 2023 - Systems design and case solutions

The selection of components for a hardware application can no longer be made solely on the basis of individual technical parameters. For the realization of an innovative product application, a view of the overall system is crucial. In Hall 3, Booth 554, POLYRACK will be demonstrating from March 14 to 16, 2023, how customers can optimize the time to market of their individualized products, among other things, through the housing solutions of the EmbedTEC and FrameTEC series.

FrameTEC: Scalable, EMC-tight - Now also with display solution
The self-supporting, high-strength carrier frame housing for desktop cases and 19" racks enables a high degree of design flexibility for industrial applications. The further development of the series now also offers the option of integrating displays to make the HMI even more intuitive and effective.

EmbedTEC: Variable basis for diverse developments
In addition to embedded computing and HMI applications, the EmbedTEC case series is also suitable for applications where the focus is on SFF (Small Form Factor) or eNUC (embedded Next Unit of Computing).

Systems design: Thinking ahead from the board level
POLYRACK's consistently holistic approach to the realization of a product relies on experience and in-depth, electronic expertise, e.g. in the development of standards-based backplanes such as CompactPCI, VME64x and VPX. In addition, the company has powerful tools, such as Altium Designer as well as SolidWorks, to realize even extremely complex and demanding developments.

"At embedded world 2023, we will give visitors at our booth an insight into our expertise and show that our understanding of the system concept goes far beyond casing technology," says Maximilian Schober, Head of Sales Germany & Marketing at POLYRACK TECH-GROUP. "This allows us to offer significant added value for our customers, resulting in a shortened time to market and optimized TCO."


POLYRACK TECH-GROUP at embedded world 2023 - Systems design and case solutions

The selection of components for a hardware application can no longer be made solely on the basis of individual technical parameters. For the realization of an innovative product application, a view of the overall system is crucial. In Hall 3, Booth 554, POLYRACK will be demonstrating from March 14 to 16, 2023, how customers can optimize the time to market of their individualized products, among other things, through the housing solutions of the EmbedTEC and FrameTEC series.‍‍

FrameTEC: Scalable, EMC-tight - Now also with display solution
The self-supporting, high-strength carrier frame housing for desktop cases and 19" racks enables a high degree of design flexibility for industrial applications. The further development of the series now also offers the option of integrating displays to make the HMI even more intuitive and effective.‍

EmbedTEC: Variable basis for diverse developments
In addition to embedded computing and HMI applications, the EmbedTEC case series is also suitable for applications where the focus is on SFF (Small Form Factor) or eNUC (embedded Next Unit of Computing).‍

Systems design: Thinking ahead from the board level
POLYRACK's consistently holistic approach to the realization of a product relies on experience and in-depth, electronic expertise, e.g. in the development of standards-based backplanes such as CompactPCI, VME64x and VPX. In addition, the company has powerful tools, such as Altium Designer as well as SolidWorks, to realize even extremely complex and demanding developments. "At embedded world 2023, we will give visitors at our booth an insight into our expertise and show that our understanding of the system concept goes far beyond casing technology," says Maximilian Schober, Head of Sales Germany & Marketing at POLYRACK TECH-GROUP. "This allows us to offer significant added value for our customers, resulting in a shortened time to market and optimized TCO."


POLYRACK TECH-GROUP at embedded world 2023 - ConPOLYRACK TECH-GROUP at embedded world 2023 - Conception de systèmes et solutions de boîtiers

Le choix des composants pour une application matérielle ne peut plus se faire depuis longtemps sur la seule base de paramètres techniques individuels. Pour la réalisation d'une application produit innovante, il est essentiel d'avoir une vue d'ensemble du système. Dans le hall 3, stand 554, du 14 au 16 mars 2023, POLYRACK montrera comment les clients peuvent optimiser le time to market de leurs produits personnalisés, entre autres grâce aux solutions de boîtiers des séries EmbedTEC et FrameTEC.

FrameTEC : évolutif, étanche à la CEM - Nouveau avec solution d'affichage
Le boîtier à cadre porteur autoportant et très résistant pour les boîtiers de table et les tiroirs 19" permet une grande flexibilité de design pour les applications industrielles. The development of the series now also offers the possibility of integrating the screen to make the IHM even more intuitive and efficient.

EmbedTEC : une base variable pour de multiples développements
La série de boîtiers EmbedTEC convient non seulement aux applications d'informatique embarquée et d'IHM, mais aussi aux applications pour lesquelles le SFF (Small Form Factor) ou l'eNUC (embedded Next Unit of Computing) sont au center des préoccupations.

Conception de systèmes : penser plus loin que le niveau de la carte
POLYRACK's global approach to the realization of a product is based on experience and extensive electronic expertise, for example in the development of bus cards based on standards such as CompactPCI, VME64x and VPX. En outre, l'entreprise dispose d'outils performants, comme Altium Designer et SolidWorks, pour réaliser des développements extrêmement complexes et exigeants.

"At the embedded world 2023 trade fair, we will give visitors to our stand an insight into our expertise and show that our understanding of the concept of systems goes well beyond the technology of the components," explains Maximilian Schober, Director of Sales for Germany & Marketing at POLYRACK TECH-GROUP. "We thus offer a considerable added value to our clients, which is reflected in a reduction in the time to market and an optimized TCO".


21 Feb
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group
Polyrack Tech-Group