
POLYRACK auf der embedded world 2020: Gehäuse- und Systemapplikationen für Produkte von morgen

18 Dec
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group

Straubenhardt, 12. Dezember 2019 – Die POLYRACK TECH-GROUP präsentiert vom 25. bis 27. Februar 2020 auf der embedded world in Nürnberg (Halle 3, Stand 445) neben einer Vielzahl an Gehäusesystemen vor allem kundenspezifische Systemapplikationen aus verschiedenen Branchen und Einsatzgebieten inklusive Elektronikintegration und Auswahl von HMI- und MMI-Anwendungen.

Für den Embedded-Bereich, v.a. für industrielle Umgebungen, präsentiert POLYRACK die PanelPC 2-Serie. Mit Schutzklasse IP54 ist sie in Größen von 10,1‘‘ bis 21,5‘‘ sowie in unterschiedlichen Materialvarianten verfügbar. Als Bedienoberfläche stehen resistive Single-Touch- oder Multi-Touch-fähige kapazitive Touchscreens (PCAP) in mehreren Glasstärken zur Auswahl. Kundenspezifische Bedruckung und Anti-Fingerprint-Beschichtungen sind auf Wunsch möglich. Zudem stehen Kunden für die Realisierung individueller Anforderungen weitere Materialien zur Verfügung, z.B. Kunststoff und Guss - auch in Materialkombination.

Small Form Factor mit EmbedTEC: Das Aluminium-Tischgehäuse ist die elegante und sichere Applikation für kleine Formfaktoren wie embedded NUC (eNUC), pico-ITX (pITX, 2,5“), SMARC, QSeven und SBCs wie den Raspberry Pi. Es verfügt über ein austauschbares I/O-Shield und einen massiven Aluminiumdeckel zur Wärmeabfuhr. Für höhere Leistungen lässt sich dieser durch einen Kühlkörper ersetzen, perforierte Seitenwände und Ventilatoren steigern die Kühlleistung bei Bedarf nochmals. Für die Sicherheit von elektronischen Systemen im Embedded-Bereich und IoT bietet POLYRACK zudem vielfältige Anpassungs- und Montageoptionen.

Das 19“ Compact PCI-System MPS03 in verschiedenen Größen (z.B. 1HE 2-Slot) ist u.a. ideal für die Kommunikationstechnik geeignet. Zur Aufnahme von Einfach-Europakarten oder Leiterkarten mit 122mm Höhe sowie für den Ausbau mit individueller Elektronik zeigt POLYRACK das RAILO Trageschienen- / Wandmodul. Weitere Gehäuseserien wie SmarTEC für hochwertige Systeme wie passiv gekühlte Mini-PCs, EmbedTEC für Embedded Computing und HMI-Anwendungen sowie Backplanes für den High-Speed-Bereich mit den Standards VPX und CompactPCI Serial vervollständigen das Portfolio des Gehäusespezialisten POLYRACK. Alle Lösungen zeichnen sich durch passendes Zusammenspiel von Mechanik, Kunststoff, Elektronik und dem Oberflächenfinish aus – abgestimmt auf die Anforderungen der Kundenapplikation.

Update (20.02.2020): Die POLYRACK TECH-GROUP sagt ihre Teilnahme an der embedded world 2020 ab. "Wir haben die Situation intensiv beobachtet und uns zu dem Schritt entschieden, nachdem viele Unternehmen in der Branche und Kunden bereits angekündigt haben, nicht an der embedded world teilzunehmen - weder als Aussteller noch als Besucher."

You can read the complete press release
You can read the complete press release


18 Dec
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group

Straubenhardt (Germany), December 12th, 2019 – The POLYRACK TECH-GROUP will be presenting their wide range of case and system solutions from February 25th to 27th 2020 at the embedded world in Nuremberg (Hall 3, Booth 445). In addition to a large number of case systems, particularly customer-specific system applications from various branches and application fields including integration of electronics and a range of HMI and MMI applications will be displayed.

For the embedded sector, especially for industrial environments, POLYRACK presents the PanelPC 2 series. With protection class IP54, it is available in sizes from 10.1'' to 21.5'' and in various material variants. Resistive single-touch or multi-touch capable capacitive touch screens (PCAP) in several glass thicknesses are available as user interfaces. Customized painting and anti-fingerprint coatings are available on request. In addition, other materials are available to customers for the realization of individual requirements, e.g. plastic and cast iron - also in material combinations.

Small Form Factor with EmbedTEC: The aluminium desktop case is the elegant design for small form factors such as embedded NUC (eNUC), pico-ITX (pITX, 2.5“), SMARC, QSeven and SBCs as well as the Raspberry Pi. It comes with a changeable front I/OShield as well as a massive aluminium cover for the heat dissipation. The cover might as well be replaced by a heat sink for improved performance. Alternatively, perforated side panels or small fans can add to the cooling performance on top. POLYRACK also offers various adaptations and mounting options for applications in the fields of automatization and IoT.

The elegant 19“ Compact PCI system MPS03 which is available in different sizes (e.g. 1U, slots) is ideally suited for applications in the field of communications technology. POLYRACK will also be showing the RAILO wall-mounting module, which accommodates PCBs, Eurocards or custom electronics with a height of 122 mm. Further case series like the SmarTEC for systems as the passive cooled Mini PCs, EmbedTEC for embedded computing and HMI applications as well as Backplanes for the High-Speed-Area with Standard VPX and CompactPCI Serial complete the portfolio of POLYRACK.

All solutions are characterized by the appropriate interaction of mechanics, plastics, electronics and the surface finish - tailored to the requirements of the customer application.

Update (20.02.2020): The POLYRACK TECH-GROUP cancels its participation at embedded world 2020, "we have been monitoring the situation closely and decided to take this step after many companies and customers in the industry have already announced that they will not be taking part in embedded world - either as exhibitors or as visitors".

You can read the complete press relase
You can read the complete press relase


18 Dec
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group

Straubenhardt (Germany), December 12th, 2019 – The POLYRACK TECH-GROUP will be presenting their wide range of case and system solutions from February 25th to 27th 2020 at the embedded world in Nuremberg (Hall 3, Booth 445). In addition to a large number of case systems, particularly customer-specific system applications from various branches and application fields including integration of electronics and a range of HMI and MMI applications will be displayed.

For the embedded sector, especially for industrial environments, POLYRACK presents the PanelPC 2 series. With protection class IP54, it is available in sizes from 10.1'' to 21.5'' and in various material variants. Resistive single-touch or multi-touch capable capacitive touch screens (PCAP) in several glass thicknesses are available as user interfaces. Customized painting and anti-fingerprint coatings are available on request. In addition, other materials are available to customers for the realization of individual requirements, e.g. plastic and cast iron - also in material combinations.

Small Form Factor with EmbedTEC: The aluminium desktop case is the elegant design for small form factors such as embedded NUC (eNUC), pico-ITX (pITX, 2.5“), SMARC, QSeven and SBCs as well as the Raspberry Pi. It comes with a changeable front I/OShield as well as a massive aluminium cover for the heat dissipation. The cover might as well be replaced by a heat sink for improved performance. Alternatively, perforated side panels or small fans can add to the cooling performance on top. POLYRACK also offers various adaptations and mounting options for applications in the fields of automatization and IoT.

The elegant 19“ Compact PCI system MPS03 which is available in different sizes (e.g. 1U, slots) is ideally suited for applications in the field of communications technology. POLYRACK will also be showing the RAILO wall-mounting module, which accommodates PCBs, Eurocards or custom electronics with a height of 122 mm. Further case series like the SmarTEC for systems as the passive cooled Mini PCs, EmbedTEC for embedded computing and HMI applications as well as Backplanes for the High-Speed-Area with Standard VPX and CompactPCI Serial complete the portfolio of POLYRACK.

All solutions are characterized by the appropriate interaction of mechanics, plastics, electronics and the surface finish - tailored to the requirements of the customer application.

Update (20.02.2020): The POLYRACK TECH-GROUP cancels its participation at embedded world 2020, "we have been monitoring the situation closely and decided to take this step after many companies and customers in the industry have already announced that they will not be taking part in embedded world - either as exhibitors or as visitors".

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