

19 Jul
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group

Technologieübergreifender Partner für Gehäuse- und Systemlösungen

Straubenhardt, 10. September 2018 – Die POLYRACK TECH-GROUP präsentiert sich auf der Weltleitmesse „electronica 2018“ (13.-16.November in München) in Halle A2, Stand 402 als technologieübergreifender Partner für kundenspezifische Gehäuse- und Systemlösungen für den globalen Einsatz.

Repräsentative Produktentwicklungen mit verschiedenen Lösungsansätzen und Materialien demonstrieren die übergreifende Kompetenz der POLYRACK TECH-GROUP in der Mechanik, Kunststofftechnik, Oberflächenbearbeitung, Elektronik, Montage und Assemblierung. Die Lösungen reichen von Klein- bis zu Großbauteilen für vielfältige Branchen in den weltweiten Märkten:

  • Automatisierung: Individuelle Einzelkomponenten und Systeme für die industrielle Steuerung und Kommunikation aus skalierbaren und modularen Gehäuseserien, z.B. Industrie-Computer, Hutschienenmodule, Rackmountsysteme und Panel-PCs.
  • Bahntechnik: Gehäuse für raue Umgebungen mit Schock- und Vibrationen, aber auch Bedienterminals und Systeme wie beispielsweise Ticketautomaten und Zugangssysteme zur Erleichterung der Bahnreise.
  • Transport- und Verkehrstechnik: Wirtschaftliche Lösungen vom Hochpräzisions-Steckergehäuse bis zu Monitor-Verkleidungen.
  • Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik: Robuste und trotzdem gewichtoptimierte Systemapplikationen mit hoher Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Erschütterungen, Vibrationen und Temperaturen.
  • Telekommunikation: Der Ausbau des Glasfasernetzes sowie steigende Übertragungsraten stellen immer wieder neue Anforderungen an die Hard- und Software. Die Flexibilität und Erfahrung von POLYRACK zahlen sich hier aus.
  • Broadcasting: Einschübe, Konsolen, Monitore oder Embedded-Computerlösungen, die sich aufgrund ihres Designs sowie ihrer Funktionalität erfolgreich im Markt durchsetzen.
  • Medizintechnik: Hochqualitative und zuverlässige Baugruppen im Materialmix aus Blech und Kunststoff mit Veredelung sowie Mehrkomponenten-Bauteile mit feinsten Durchbrüchen und hochwertigen Oberflächen.
  • Maschinen- und Anlagenbau: Beim Schutz der Elektronik ermöglicht POLYRACK dank enger Verzahnung von Elektronik und Gehäusetechnik Synergieeffekte für viele Anwendungsbereiche.

Als weitere Highlights auf der Messe präsentiert POLYRACK modulare und skalierbare Gehäuseserien:

  • Small Form Factor mit EmbedTEC: Das Aluminium-Tischgehäuse als elegante Verpackung für kleine Formfaktoren wie embedded NUC (eNUC), pico-ITX (pITX, 2,5“), SMARC, QSeven und SBCs wie den Raspberry Pi bietet zahlreiche Anpassungs- und Montageoptionen.
  • PanelPC 2 Serie für Eingabesysteme, v.a. in industriellen Umgebungen, ist mit Schutzklasse IP54 in Größen von 10,1‘‘ bis 21,5‘‘ in unterschiedlichen Aufbauvarianten verfügbar. Als Bedienoberfläche stehen resistive Single-Touch- oder Multi-Touch-fähige kapazitive Touchscreens (PCAP) in diversen Glasstärken zur Auswahl.
  • SmarTEC für hochwertige Systeme, z.B. passiv gekühlte Mini-PCs
  • Backplanes für den High-Speed-Bereich mit den Standards VPX und CompactPCI Serial

Alle POLYRACK-Lösungen zeichnen sich durch passendes Zusammenspiel von Mechanik, Kunststoff, Elektronik und dem Oberflächenfinish aus – abgestimmt auf den Zielmarkt.

Unseren Messe-Guide finden Sie hier!

You can read the complete press release
You can read the complete press release


19 Jul
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group

Cross technological partner for enclosure and systems solution

Straubenhardt, Germany, September 10, 2018 – The POLYRACK TECH-GROUP will be presenting itself as a cross technological partner for standard and customized enclosures and systems solution for the global demands at the electronica 2018 (November 13 - 16 in Munich) in hall A2, booth 402.

Representative product developments with various materials and approaches for solutions demonstrate the overall competence of the POLYRACK TECH-GROUP throughout the mechanics, plastics technology, surface treatment, electronics, assembly and testing. The results range from small to large components for a variety of industries in global markets:

  • Automation Technology: individual components and systems for industrial control and communication based on scalable and modular enclosure series, e.g. industrial computers, DIN rail modules, rackmount systems and panel PCs.
  • Railway Technology: enclosures for harsh environments covering shock and vibration, not limited to control terminals and systems such as ticket vending machines and access systems for facilitating rail travel.
  • Automotive and Transportation: economical solutions from high-precision connector housings to design elements on display monitors.
  • Aerospace & Defense: robust but weight-optimized system applications that are highly resistant to shocks, vibrations and temperatures.
  • Telecommunication: expansion of the optical fiber network as well as increasing transmission rates are constantly placing new demands on the hardware and software. The flexibility and experience of POLYRACK are a perfect match for your task.
  • Broadcasting: rack-mount chassis, consoles, monitors or embedded computing solutions, successfully introduced to the market through their design and functionality.
  • Medical Engineering: high quality and reliable module assemblies in the material combination of sheet metal and plastic with decorative finishing as well as multicomponent assemblies with specific geometric details and extraordinary surface finish.
  • Machinery & Plant Engineering: POLYRACK offers synergy effects for the protection of electronics in many areas of applications through the merger of the unique experience in electronics and housings.

Further highlights of POLYRACK products at the exhibition display are demonstrated with modular and scalable enclosures:

  • Small Form Factor with EmbedTEC: aluminum desktop enclosure as an elegant package for small form factors (SFF) such as embedded NUC (eNUC), pico-ITX (pITX, 2.5“), SMARC, QSeven and SBCs like the Raspberry Pi, concluding in numerous customization and mounting options.
  • PanelPC 2 Series: human machine interface (HMI) is available in sizes from 10.1“ to 21.5“ with protection class IP54 in different design variants especially in industrial environments. Choice of different glass thicknesses for resistive single-touch or multi-touch capacitive touchscreens (PCAP) are common for user interface.
  • SmarTEC: “smart” system applications such as passive cooled mini-PCs
  • Backplanes according VPX and CompactPCI Serial standards for high-speed requirements.

All POLYRACK solutions are characterized by an appropriate interaction of mechanics, plastics, electronics and surface finish - adjusted to the target market.

You can read the complete press release here!

You can read the complete press relase
You can read the complete press relase


19 Jul
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group

Cross technological partner for enclosure and systems solution

Straubenhardt, Germany, September 10, 2018 – The POLYRACK TECH-GROUP will be presenting itself as a cross technological partner for standard and customized enclosures and systems solution for the global demands at the electronica 2018 (November 13 - 16 in Munich) in hall A2, booth 402.

Representative product developments with various materials and approaches for solutions demonstrate the overall competence of the POLYRACK TECH-GROUP throughout the mechanics, plastics technology, surface treatment, electronics, assembly and testing. The results range from small to large components for a variety of industries in global markets:

  • Automation Technology: individual components and systems for industrial control and communication based on scalable and modular enclosure series, e.g. industrial computers, DIN rail modules, rackmount systems and panel PCs.
  • Railway Technology: enclosures for harsh environments covering shock and vibration, not limited to control terminals and systems such as ticket vending machines and access systems for facilitating rail travel.
  • Automotive and Transportation: economical solutions from high-precision connector housings to design elements on display monitors.
  • Aerospace & Defense: robust but weight-optimized system applications that are highly resistant to shocks, vibrations and temperatures.
  • Telecommunication: expansion of the optical fiber network as well as increasing transmission rates are constantly placing new demands on the hardware and software. The flexibility and experience of POLYRACK are a perfect match for your task.
  • Broadcasting: rack-mount chassis, consoles, monitors or embedded computing solutions, successfully introduced to the market through their design and functionality.
  • Medical Engineering: high quality and reliable module assemblies in the material combination of sheet metal and plastic with decorative finishing as well as multicomponent assemblies with specific geometric details and extraordinary surface finish.
  • Machinery & Plant Engineering: POLYRACK offers synergy effects for the protection of electronics in many areas of applications through the merger of the unique experience in electronics and housings.

Further highlights of POLYRACK products at the exhibition display are demonstrated with modular and scalable enclosures:

  • Small Form Factor with EmbedTEC: aluminum desktop enclosure as an elegant package for small form factors (SFF) such as embedded NUC (eNUC), pico-ITX (pITX, 2.5“), SMARC, QSeven and SBCs like the Raspberry Pi, concluding in numerous customization and mounting options.
  • PanelPC 2 Series: human machine interface (HMI) is available in sizes from 10.1“ to 21.5“ with protection class IP54 in different design variants especially in industrial environments. Choice of different glass thicknesses for resistive single-touch or multi-touch capacitive touchscreens (PCAP) are common for user interface.
  • SmarTEC: “smart” system applications such as passive cooled mini-PCs
  • Backplanes according VPX and CompactPCI Serial standards for high-speed requirements.

All POLYRACK solutions are characterized by an appropriate interaction of mechanics, plastics, electronics and surface finish - adjusted to the target market.

You can read the complete press release here!

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