
electronica 2016: POLYRACK TECH-GROUP in Halle B1, Stand 441

1 Sep
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group

Technologieübergreifender Partner für Gehäuse- und Systemlösungen

Straubenhardt, 8. September 2016 – Die POLYRACK TECHGROUP präsentiert sich auf der electronica 2016 (8.-11.11. in München) in Halle B1, Stand 441 als technologieübergreifender Partner für Standard und kundenspezifische Gehäuse- und Systemlösungen für unterschiedlichste Märkte.

Repräsentative Produktentwicklungen mit verschiedenen Lösungsansätzen und Materialien demonstrieren die Kompetenzbreite und -tiefe der POLYRACK TECH-GROUP in der Mechanik, Kunststofftechnik, Oberflächenbearbeitung, Elektronik, Montage und Assemblierung. Dabei unterstützt POLYRACK seine Kunden von der Prozessentwicklung über die Produkt- und Systementwicklung bis zur Technologie- und Materialberatung. Die Lösungen reichen von Klein- bis zu Großbauteilen für die Automatisierung, Automotive (Zertifizierung ISO&TS 16949), Bahn-, Transport- und Verkehrstechnik, Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik (Zertifizierung ISO 9100 in Umsetzung), Broadcasting, Medizintechnik sowie den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau. Neuheit auf dem Stand ist die Vorstellung des VPX 19“ Development Chassis mit einem Gehäusekonzept speziell für Rugged Systeme mit hohen mechanischen Anforderungen, z.B. in der Luftfahrt, Bahn, Schifffahrt und Industrie. Außerdem wird das Backplane-Portfolio um die Standards „VPX“ und „CompactPCI serial“ präsentiert.
Für industrielle Applikationen eignet sich auch die PanelPC 2 Serie, sie ist auf den Temperaturbereich von -20°C bis +85°C ausgelegt. Das Gehäuse ist in „Aluminium gefräst“ und als Blech-Biegelösung von 10,1“ bis 21,5“ und bis Schutzklasse IP54 erhältlich (IP68 in Vorbereitung). Der Multi-Touch-fähige PCAP Touchscreen ist optional mit gehärteten Gläsern und Anti-Fingerprint-Beschichtung verfügbar.

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electronica 2016: POLYRACK TECH-GROUP in Halle B1, Stand 441

1 Sep
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group

Cross technological partner for enclosure and system solutions

Straubenhardt (Germany), September 19, 2016 – The POLYRACK TECH-GROUP will be presenting itself as a cross-technological partner for standard and customized enclosures and system solutions for a wide variety of markets at the electronica 2016 (November 8-11 in Munich) in hall B1, booth 441.
The wide range of expertise of the POLYRACK TECH-GROUP in mechanics, plastics technology, surface treatment, electronics and assembly is represented through different solutions and demonstrated in a mix of materials. POLYRACK supports their customers starting with the process development through the design of products and systems including consultation for the most efficient technologies and materials. Solutions range from various sizes for applications in automation, automotive engineering (certificate in accordance to ISO/TS 16949), railway, transportation and traffic technology, aerospace technology (certificate in accordance to ISO 9100 in process), broadcasting, medical technology as well as test, measurement and control technology.POLYRACK will introduce its new VPX 19‘‘ Development Chassis. The chassis is designed as concept platform for rugged systems trial purposes such as aviation, railway, naval applications and the industry. The standard backplane-portfolio will be completed with the display of „VPX” and „CompactPCI serial”.The PanelPC 2 Series from POLYRACK complements several applications in numerous variations. The PanelPC 2 is designed for rough conditions in industrial environments furnished with a capacitive touch screen and suitable for extended options. POLYRACK has dedicated his PanelPC 2 series specifically for HMI/MMI industrial applications. The products withstand enhanced temperature ranges of -20°C up to +85°C and sustain to a maximum of shock and vibration. The enclosure is reliably protected against dust and water rated up to IP65. The multi-touch capable PCAP touchscreen is available optionally with toughened glasses and antifingerprint-coating.

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electronica 2016: POLYRACK TECH-GROUP in Halle B1, Stand 441

1 Sep
6 Mar
Polyrack Tech-Group

Cross technological partner for enclosure and system solutions

Straubenhardt (Germany), September 19, 2016 – The POLYRACK TECH-GROUP will be presenting itself as a cross-technological partner for standard and customized enclosures and system solutions for a wide variety of markets at the electronica 2016 (November 8-11 in Munich) in hall B1, booth 441.
The wide range of expertise of the POLYRACK TECH-GROUP in mechanics, plastics technology, surface treatment, electronics and assembly is represented through different solutions and demonstrated in a mix of materials. POLYRACK supports their customers starting with the process development through the design of products and systems including consultation for the most efficient technologies and materials. Solutions range from various sizes for applications in automation, automotive engineering (certificate in accordance to ISO/TS 16949), railway, transportation and traffic technology, aerospace technology (certificate in accordance to ISO 9100 in process), broadcasting, medical technology as well as test, measurement and control technology.POLYRACK will introduce its new VPX 19‘‘ Development Chassis. The chassis is designed as concept platform for rugged systems trial purposes such as aviation, railway, naval applications and the industry. The standard backplane-portfolio will be completed with the display of „VPX” and „CompactPCI serial”.The PanelPC 2 Series from POLYRACK complements several applications in numerous variations. The PanelPC 2 is designed for rough conditions in industrial environments furnished with a capacitive touch screen and suitable for extended options. POLYRACK has dedicated his PanelPC 2 series specifically for HMI/MMI industrial applications. The products withstand enhanced temperature ranges of -20°C up to +85°C and sustain to a maximum of shock and vibration. The enclosure is reliably protected against dust and water rated up to IP65. The multi-touch capable PCAP touchscreen is available optionally with toughened glasses and antifingerprint-coating.

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